PHP Scripts · 25/08/2024

ZergWap music – baza reparata de YoYo v1 v2

ZergWap music – baza reparata de YoYo v1 v2

Download links:

Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Server 4 Server 5

Install Notes:

Step 1: Access phpMyAdmin

  1. Login to phpMyAdmin:
    • Open your web browser and go to the URL where phpMyAdmin is hosted. This is usually something like http://localhost/phpmyadmin or
    • Enter your MySQL username and password. The default username is often root, and the password would be what you set during the MySQL installation.

Step 2: Create a New Database

  1. Navigate to the Databases Tab:
    • After logging in, you’ll see the phpMyAdmin home page. Click on the “Databases” tab at the top of the page.
  2. Create a New Database:
    • On the “Databases” page, you’ll see a section labeled “Create database.”
    • In the “Database name” field, enter the name you want to give your new database (e.g., my_database).
    • Choose the collation (character set) if needed. The default collation is usually fine for most applications.
    • Click the “Create” button.

Step 3: Create Tables (Optional)

  1. Select Your Database:
    • After creating the database, it will appear in the list of databases on the left-hand side of the page. Click on your newly created database name to open it.
  2. Create a Table:
    • You’ll be prompted to create a table in the database. Enter a name for the table (e.g., users).
    • Specify the number of columns you want in the table, then click “Go.”
  3. Define Table Structure:
    • In the next screen, you’ll define the structure of your table. For each column, you’ll need to specify:
      • Name: The name of the column (e.g., id, name, email).
      • Type: The data type (e.g., INT, VARCHAR, DATE).
      • Length/Values: The length of the data (e.g., 255 for VARCHAR).
      • Index: If the column is a primary key, check the “Primary” box under the Index column.
    • Once done, click “Save” at the bottom of the page.

Step 4: Manage Your Database

  • Insert Data: You can insert data into your tables using the “Insert” tab in the table view.
  • Browse Data: Use the “Browse” tab to view the data in your tables.
  • Run SQL Queries: You can run custom SQL queries using the “SQL” tab.

Step 5: Export/Import Database (Optional)

  • Export: To export your database (e.g., for backup), go to the “Export” tab, choose your export options, and click “Go.”
  • Import: To import data into your database, use the “Import” tab, select your file (e.g., .sql), and click “Go.”

Import Sql Dbase:

Step 1: Prepare Your SQL File

Make sure you have a .sql file ready for import. This file should contain the SQL commands to create the tables and insert the data into the database.

Step 2: Access phpMyAdmin

  1. Login to phpMyAdmin:
    • Open your web browser and go to the URL where phpMyAdmin is hosted (e.g., http://localhost/phpmyadmin).
    • Enter your MySQL username and password.

Step 3: Select or Create a Database

  1. Select a Database:
    • If you want to import the SQL file into an existing database, click on the database name in the left sidebar.
    • If you need to create a new database, go to the “Databases” tab, enter the name of the new database, and click “Create.” Then select this database from the list.

Step 4: Import the SQL File

  1. Go to the Import Tab:
    • With the target database selected, click on the “Import” tab at the top of the phpMyAdmin interface.
  2. Upload the SQL File:
    • In the “File to Import” section, click the “Choose File” button.
    • Browse your computer to find and select the .sql file you want to import.
  3. Set Import Options (Optional):
    • You can leave most of the settings as default. However, if your file is large or you have specific requirements, you might need to adjust the format or character set. Typically, the default settings work fine.
  4. Start the Import:
    • Click the “Go” button at the bottom of the page to start the import process.

Step 5: Verify the Import

  1. Check for Success Messages:
    • If the import is successful, you’ll see a message saying “Import has been successfully finished.”
    • If there are any errors, phpMyAdmin will display them, and you may need to correct issues with the SQL file or the database structure.
  2. Verify Data:
    • To ensure that the data was imported correctly, you can click on the “Browse” tab under the imported tables to view the data.

Step 6: Troubleshoot Common Issues (If Any)

  • File Size Limit: If your SQL file is large, you might encounter a file size limit. You can either:
    • Increase the file upload size limit in the php.ini file.
    • Split the SQL file into smaller parts.
    • Use a different tool like MySQL command-line or a desktop client to handle large files.
  • Timeout Errors: If the import process takes too long and times out, you might need to adjust server settings or split the file.